
Saturday, December 18, 2010

December Update

So here it is, I thought it was about time I updated my blog for anyone reading it.

I am so excited about going for my next set of appointments in March, but have been thinking, why wait till then to make some small changes when i can do it myself as I know what I should be doing anyway.

So I have made a few changes to my diet, this includes having porridge for breakfast instead of a bacon or sausage sandwich, although I still treat myself to one maybe on a weekend, however the difference being I have moved over to wholemeal bread and just a scrapping of butter now.

My downfall is bread and as I have mentioned, I have now moved over to wholemeal bread and have noticed a difference in how I feel and my movements in the morning (if you know what I mean).

I have also been looking at the size of my main meals, which normally we sit down about 6pm to eat. Although I still get dished up a large serving, I have tried to start eating a lot slower, and also chewing for longer, as I see I am going to have to do that after my operation anyway. I have also been cutting down on the amount I eat. This is very difficult as Tracy, my wife is a great cook, but needs must.

I even went to the doctors the other day, and normally I get so out of breath by doing 50 yards of walking, but didn't seem to affect me the other day, is this a sign that things are starting to change for me.

I sure hope so !

So Xmas is just round the corner, and then before I know it it will be March, I am so looking forward to 2011, as it should be the year I have my surgery and the year I can start getting my life back.

So I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, hope you all get what you want, I have all I need, as I have a loving family and that's all that matters to me.

See you in 2011.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Your Success Stories

Are you post op, if so tell us your story, how did it go, what should we expect and how well are you doing.

My Story So Far

Well here's my story so far:

Thanks for taking the time to read my story, I am hoping from sharing my story, there will be people outthere, that can relate to my feelings and what I have experienced and give you the strength to take the next step.

Ever since I can remember I have struggled with my weight. I will always remember being a normal sized child until I had my tonsils out, or that is what Ican remember to be the case anyway.

Since then I guess like most people, I have tried to do most of the diets, including WW, SW, Atkins etc etc.

I have even been down to my goal weight at times, but guess I am easily lead and piled the weight on.

About 3 years ago my doctors sent me to the local weight management clinic,but if I'm honest I sat there thinking I know what to do, but its just doing it. I lasted about 3 visits, and then decided to call it a day.

Since then I managed to get a new job as a sales rep, now the problem with this is, that I have a faulty car, and it tended to steer left into the local golden arches, yes you know what I'm talking about. And also it is so easy to pop in the local services and grab a sandwich, oh and maybe a sausage roll, and then maybe a bag of crisps etc etc, now we have probably all done it in the past ourselves. But how many calories do we actually consume on one of those visits?

It was only at this point that I decided enough is enough and went to my doctor and asked for help, I was offered tablets and I said I think its gone to far for that, I think I need help with surgery, if i had the money, I wouldn't think twice of going private.

So in the end they decided that was an option and they referred me. The doctor rang me a few weeks afterwards and said we have a letter back from the hospital but its bad news. Due to my BMI and me not having sleep apnoea or diabetes, they wont put me on the list.

So what's the options then doctor, I said. Well lets send u away for tests for sleep apnoea as you don't have diabetes and then we can see what comes back.

So a few weeks letter and a few tests, and now I am diagnosed with sleep apnoea. So we appealed and now I am on a waiting list.

I have had my first appointment, and now have my second batch on the 7th March 2011.

I just feel it is important to share my story because there is help out there,but you have to go and find it.

Especially being a guy, there's a lot of chat rooms etc, but mainly full of females, so I hope this blog helps both males and females, and I would love to here your comments below.